My Story


“I walked all those miles. I learned all those lessons. It’s as if my new life was the gift I got at the end of a long struggle.” - Cheryl Strayed

My walk, my life, has been full and rich and extraordinary. But it has not been without struggle. I’ve been fortunate, however, to be able to take the many profound lessons I’ve learned throughout the years, and apply them to my own life and my coaching practice.

My mother was angry, highly critical, and terribly hard on me. She was unable to love and support me unconditionally, which caused intense shame and emotional pain. I found solace in the arts – piano and voice lessons, competitions, dance and musical comedy. I earned a degree in music, moved to New York City, and buried myself in my career in theatre for 16 years. For a time, I thought I had everything figured out – I had submerged my pain and was living a life that, on the outside, appeared exciting and successful. But I was wearing an emotional straightjacket that finally became too restricting. Ten years after arriving in the Big Apple, I woke up one morning feeling empty and hollow and scared. I hired a therapist, sat down and finally let go of all the pain I had been holding onto, and that had been in my way.

Since that day, I’ve experienced countless revelations – some comforting and many painful – but all of them ultimately healing. After numerous contemplative walks through Central Park, I decided to move on and continue my ‘road less traveled’ in a new city – Seattle. I left the business of theatre and began the search for my next act.  I worked in various careers - from public relations to advertising to bond-trading to international finance, but nothing fit. I never expected that a diagnosis of breast cancer would lead me to my true calling.

During my 13 months of cancer treatment, I looked for support and a much-needed safe place to land, and often encountered cold and dismissive doctors, nurses, and therapists – all doing more harm than good. What I couldn’t find was a wise ‘someone’ who listened and who could see, hear and understand me.  In short, I could have used a me!  Armed with the belief that there was a void I could fill – I went back to school and became a professional life coach. 

Today, having worked as a coach for over a decade, my passion for the work, and, most importantly, for my client’s success and well-being, continues to grow.  I joyfully remain that much-needed safe place to land - where my clients can show up authentically to do the work knowing they are seen, heard and understood.  I offer these gifts and the authentic wisdom I have gleaned from my life to every person I work with.  It is my honor to bring all that I was searching for over the years, and all that I am today, to my clients - with the sincere hope of making their life journeys easier. 


Accomplishment Coaching ICF Accredited Coach Training Program
AC CTP Graduate, Ontological Coaching and Leadership

In Their Own Words

Take the first step.